Both men and women seek Facelift Surgery however it is important to be confident this is the right procedure for you. We recommend visiting a specialist plastic surgeon to explore whether you are a good candidate for face lift surgery.

What makes a good facelift candidate?

There are several factors that best lend themselves to determining whether a person is a good candidate for a face lift. While these factors are by no means conclusive, they are often good indicators:

Loose skin

When we age our skin starts to loosen and sag, particularly in the lower portion of the face and neck. The change to the face that this loose skin creates is often what patients discuss with their surgeon when exploring the option of face lift surgery. A face lift allows for any extra skin to be removed and the face tightened to change the appearance of the face.

Skin elasticity 

The elasticity of the skin on the face is an important determining factor as to whether a patient is a good candidate for a face lift.  When seeking a good surgical outcome, the skin should have a significant amount of flexibility (elasticity). This allows for the skin to be gently stretched during the surgery.

Your overall health

You have likely heard the saying “Your health is your wealth” – this particularly applies when you opt to undertake any surgical procedure.  The healthier you are, the faster and smoother your recovery is likely to be.

What can you expect from a facelift?

Facelift surgery reconstructs muscles and tissues, tightens skin and changes the appearance of the face

Removing loose skin and fatty tissue reduces the appearance of wrinkles. It can also help to redefine the jawline, resulting in a reduction of jowls.

How soon will you see results?

Typically it takes several months to see final results after a facelift procedure due to the natural healing process. However, some patients may experience an immediate tightening or lifting of facial tissue right after the procedure.

It’s important to note that initial healing following a facelift may obscure some positive changes. Certain parts of your face may still be swollen or bruised at first. However, these should subside.

Ultimately, each person’s results will be unique depending on their specific condition and body composition so it is important to talk through expected timelines with your doctor prior to having any procedure done.

Interested to learn more about facelift surgery in Melbourne?

Facelift surgery is performed by our specialist surgeon Mr Keith Mutimer.

Your consultation with our Specialist Plastic Surgeon in Melbourne will assess these physical factors, explore your expectations and assist you to understand what is realistic to achieve with this surgery.

A thorough consultation process will ensure both you and your surgeon are comfortable with what can be achieved in your specific circumstances.

Our website has additional information on facelift surgery including cost estimates and the ability to view the procedure in 3D.  Alternatively feel free to contact us should you have further questions or wish to book a consultation for a facelift in Melbourne.